Our Neighborhoods -BoCoCa

If you are going to hire, find a real estate salesperson who lives in the neighborhood and knows the community and its people. Don't just hire because of a fancy name.

We love our neighborhoods and the key aspect of each are the parks they have or the social life and the amenities.  Find a place based on location of the park and proximity to trains or the amenities and social life.  Our neighborhoods have them all in one area all near to each other.

Brooklyn Heights promenade is the main park overlooking Manhattan. This park is a big tourist attraction and a great place to spend time. 

Montague St is the primary street serving Brooklyn Heights area and has grocery store, banks, coffee shops and restaurants.

Cobble Hill park is a quaint park for the area.  Cobble Hill main street is Court street. The park sits in the middle of the community providing a great place for events.

Court St in Cobble Hill is a key roadway with movie theater, grocery store, shops and more. It connects Atlantic Ave down to Carroll Gardens & Red Hook.

Carroll Garden is a quiet neighborhood with its own amazing park where families gather every weekend and lots of activities for all. Carroll Gardens is an old Italian community that still has lots of amazing pizza spots, bakeries and places to chill. 

Boerum Hill shares Smith street restaurant row with Cobble Hill. Great variety of restaurants, bars & places to shop. The F & G line runs under Smith street giving access to rest of New York City to these neighborhoods.