Fair Housing & Human Rights Policies

Learn more about our policies.

Human Rights Policies

As members of the Sandra Dowling & Brooklyn Heights Real Estate Inc Brokerage Group Family, our salespeople and employees commit to the following:
Equal, fair and respectful treatment of all employees, contractors, customers and suppliers
Not discriminate due to any physical, religious, national origin, legal status, sexual preference, marital status, sources of income, prior incarceration or protected status .
Accommodate to our best possible way any person who is disabled or has preexisting conditions requiring accommodation.
Provide equal access to all opportunities for any person irrespective of their backgrounds, physical characteristics or any other factor.  

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Fair Housing Policies

As members of the Sandra Dowling & Brooklyn Heights Real Estate Inc Brokerage Group Family, our salespeople and employees commit to the following:
Providing equal professional service to all, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin or other protected status of any prospective client, customer or resident of any community.
Keeping informed about fair housing laws and practices, thereby expanding upon our customers' and clients' opportunities.
Demonstrating through advertising and the media that everyone is welcome and no one is excluded.
Informing our clients and customers about our rights and responsibilities under the fair housing laws.
Documenting our efforts to provide equal professional service whenever possible.
Respecting the diversity and differences within our customer base, and remaining informed on those differences in order to provide Truly
Remarkable Service. Taking a positive approach to fair housing practices and aspiring to follow the letter and spirit of the law.
Committing to continue in the development and implementation of fair housing practices in accordance with our leadership role in the real estate profession. Refusing to tolerate non-compliance. Read NYS fair housing laws here:

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Learn More About NYS Laws protecting you

NYC Human Rights Website, click here.

NYC Human Rights Law, click here.

Lawful Source of Income Fact Sheet, click here.

Fair Housing Brochure, click here.

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New York Rental Laws

Many tenants in NYC are rent regulated meaning they either fall under the old system of Rent Control or newer Rent Stabilization laws.  Rent regulation does not cover leases, courts proceedings (DOJ) or building (DOB) issues. Rent Stabilization laws establish Rent Stabilization regulation in NYC and regulated by NYS Division of Housing and COmmunity Renewal (DHCR)

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